Then justice will dwell in the
wilderness, and righteousness abide
in the fruitful field. The effect of righteousness will
be peace, and the result righteousness, quietness
and trust forever. Isaiah 32: 16-17

This Bible verse tells us that caring for others with
positive, random acts of kindness and generosity is
good or righteous, therefore this verse is the theme
for our “A Year for Service” mission project.
Due to the tornadoes and floods that have
devastated Eastern Iowa this spring, we are
replacing our annual mission trip to Biloxi with this
mission project. The work in Biloxi is not done, but
the need to help our fellow Iowans is great. In a
letter Pastor Flater received from Camp Biloxi and
shared with the Council, it stated that it is time for
Camp Biloxi to help Iowa in our time of need.
The “A Year for Service Project” has already
begun. On June 17th, a group of 57 Holy Trinity
members and friends went to Parkersburg and
Waverly, and on June 24th, a group of 20 went to
Waverly to help initiate the cleanup process in these
The goal of this mission project is to donate 250
days of work from May 25, 2008 to May 25, 2009.
These 250 days of work will represent 2000 hours
or one year labor or approximate $30,000 worth of
labor. At the time of this writing we have already
donated 123 days of work.
The following dates are being planned for work
Wednesday, August 13th
Saturday, September 20th
Saturday, October 11th
Wednesday, January 14th
Times and locations will be announced in the near
future, please look in the bulletins and Tidings for
further details.
The following paragraph is my son Brandon’s
reflection on his trip to Parkersburg:
“Parkersburg was a desolation. We worked in the
cornfields, picking a different kind of harvest. The
farmlands were riddled with debris, everything from
minuscule shards of shingles and siding to entire
trees. We worked in two small sections of farmland,
but they were only a fraction of what needed to be
done. The farmers were worried about how much of
their crop could be saved; their lives depended on
making a good harvest. We helped with what we
could, but so much more needed to be one. I left
feeling that at least I had done some good.”
Yours in Christ,